Noun: “An activist is someone who campaigns for change, often on social or political issues. Activists work to raise awareness, influence public opinion, and push for policy changes.”

Does that sound like something you would like to or need to do right now? Well, you can be one! Finding the right path to becoming an activist is important. People take different paths at different levels. “You can only do what you can do”, Indivisible Leader. Sometimes you may have a physical limitation on what you can do.

Some people decide to go all in. They may jump right in to take the lead and start a group with other activists. Some may choose to write postcards to voters. Some make phone calls to Representatives and voters. Some make signs and go on marches and protest rallies. Some make speeches. Some write blogs. Some knock on doors. Some have podcasts. Some just talk to other people to help influence their direction. In other words, there are many actions that an activist can take. You just need to do something to take action!

As you grow in your activism you may take on other actions you never thought you would. Like going to your first ever protest as a 70 year old! This document is meant to give you an idea or approach one might take to develop your activism. Your path may be different…but this may be a possible approach to use. But please just start!

Activism (Good) - Examples:

  • Join an existing group - One that provides directions on actions you want to take. Is of like-minded people that you are comfortable with. Is willing to listen and adjust as needed.

  • Become a Consumer Activist - Start on your journey and develop your strength.

  • Postcarding - Getting out the vote and registration; Influence to vote for a particular candidate or on an issue by writing postcards.

    • Provided addresses; Sometimes provided postcarding supplies or given direction to acquire supplies; Buying stamps; Mailing.

  • Phonebanking - Getting out the vote and registration; Influence to vote for a particular candidate or on an issue by making phone calls.

    • Provided name and phone number; Sometimes done on your own or in groups of activists.

  • In person registration of voters - Signing up voters at a local college or shopping center. Talking to potential voters about issues.

  • Email/write to your MoC (Member of Congress) or other electeds - You have a particular concern and you want your representative to know your opinion and need them to vote/fight a certain way. Typically you will be provided the name, mailing address and the website address along with wording to use…or you use your own words.

Activism (Better) - Examples:

  • All of the above could be included, plus

  • Phone your MoC (Member of Congress) or other electeds - You have a particular concern and you want your representative to know your opinion and need them to vote/fight a certain way. Typically you will be provided the name and phone number to call along with a script to follow…or you use your own words.

  • Attend protests and rallies: Making signs; Attending events (may include standing for some period).

Activism (Best) - Examples:

  • All of the above could be included, plus

  • Attend marches: Making signs; Attending events (may include standing for some period and walking some distances).

  • Organize a group: Only if there isn’t already one in your area….why duplicate efforts, leverage what is already there or take the initiative to organize a group of like-minded people. Take action!

Please choose your own path. Let the group organizer know what you are comfortable doing. Share your ideas to improve the group. As Nike says…JUST DO IT!