Call Your Reps

In times of opposition and constitutional crisis, it is critical that our elected officials be advocates for the Constitution and democracy, taking every legal option at their disposal.  We must engage with them frequently, insisting that they do so and making them aware of our positions. Here is a recent message from AOC: Click Here


  • Focus your efforts on your state’s senators and your congressional representative. Always include your address and zip code when identifying yourself.  Elected officials usually do not count contacts from non-constituents.

  • Personalize your message whenever possible. Please include your personal story of the Trump/Republican Administration’s actions that have personally affected you. 

  • If your Member of Congress (MoC) is taking the actions you desire, let them know you are following their work and communicate your appreciation.

  • Phone calls are most impactful, but if voicemail is full, send an email. Email forms are available on their websites.

  • We STRONGLY encourage members to sign up for their MoCs newsletters and read them. You can also follow them on social media and set Google alerts to follow them in the news. It is important to be informed about their votes and their actions if you want to be an effective constituent advocate.


  • Add your MoCs phone numbers to your Contacts app so that it is easy to make calls on a regular basis. Use these links to lookup and to contact you Senators or House Members:

  • Subscribe to Jessica Craven’s Chop Wood, Carry Water for excellent scripts on a daily basis.

  • The 5 Calls app is an easy way to find a range of scripts on pressing issues. Enter your address and it will find all your reps (federal and state) AND give you a list of issues to call about, AND which reps to call about which issues, AND a little script for each, in case it's helpful. They have an app, too.

  • Here are two script templates that you can use for any issue. Every time you see a news story that horrifies you, call. It matters to say what you believe. You are setting a norm. When our MOCs do the right thing, saying thank you is very important as well.

    • Hi, my name is [ NAME]. I am a constituent in [ZIP CODE.] I am calling because I saw that [TERRIBLE THING] is happening. I think this is appalling. [PERSONAL STORY, if you have one.] I want you to do everything you can to stop this. I will remember your actions when I cast my next vote. Thank you.

    • Hi, my name is [ NAME]. I am a constituent in [ZIP CODE.] I am calling because I saw that [GOOD THING THAT REP DID] and I want to thank you. [PERSONAL STORY if you have one.] Please know you have my support, and I will remember your actions when I cast my next vote. Thank you.