Provided by the office of Speaker Emerita, Nancy Pelosi:

If you have been impacted by President Trump’s actions and the Republican rip-off, make your voice heard safely on the House
Oversight Committee’s Whistleblower Tipline.

Immigrants' Rights:  
• You have the right to remain silent and to contact an attorney.
• You do not have to sign anything without speaking to an attorney.
• You have the right to say no to being searched or having your home searched unless ICE has an arrest warrant (not a removal order, etc).
• Agents do not have the right to search you or your belongings without your consent, a warrant, or probable cause.
• You do not have to open the door if there is no warrant.
• You have the right to ask ICE to leave, or if you are free to leave.
Note: Order “Know Your Rights Red Cards” to share with people in your community

Department of Justice list of pro-bono legal service providers

Additional resources:
National Immigration Law Center: Know Your Rights
A Toolkit for Organizations Responding to Mass Worksite Immigration Raids
Immigrant Legal Resource Center
American Immigration Lawyers Association