Dear Indivisible Roseville members,

We learned during Trump 1.0 that events which demand our attention and action will be occurring constantly. Trump 2.0 is FAR worse - chaos designed to overwhelm us and create feelings of helplessness. But we are far from helpless and will not give in. Democrats across the country are organizing in protest and resistance on a daily basis. We are standing up for those most impacted and demanding action from our elected officials. We are on the phones and in the streets, getting loud, and the world is paying attention.  

Stand with Ukraine!
The appalling attack on a leader of an allied sovereign nation by the sitting president and vice president of the United States was horrifying to all Americans of good conscience. Liz Cheney expressed the outrage well. "Generations of American patriots, from our revolution onward, have fought for the principles Zelenskyy is risking his life to defend. But today, Donald Trump and JD Vance attacked Zelenskyy and pressured him to surrender the freedom of his people to the KGB war criminal who invaded Ukraine. History will remember this day—when an American President and Vice President abandoned all we stand for.”


  • Call your Members of Congress (MoCs) - Members of Congress must forcefully condemn both the behavior as well as the Trump agenda of siding with Russia over Ukraine. Phones should already be ringing off the hooks across the nation. Please call your three MoCs ASAP with the following asks.

    • If your MOC is a Republican - Say some version of, "Enough is enough. Republican members of Congress must publicly rebuke the President and Vice President for their behavior and agenda in the meeting with President Zelenskyy. We will remember what side you are on when we vote in 2026." Add your own personal reactions for extra impact.

    • If your MoC is a Democrat - Say some version of, "I call on the Democratic Caucus to host a multi-speaker press conference immediately to ensure strong media attention for the democratic response to the Trump/Vance attack on President Zelenskyy in the Oval Office." Add your own personal reactions for extra impact. Note: Check first via an internet search to see if your rep has already issued a personal statement and, if so, express your thanks.

  • Support Ukraine via social media

    • For those with social media accounts, please post graphics supportive of Ukraine such as the one pictured above. You will find many options by searching under, "I Support Ukraine."

  • We will keep you apprised of additional ways to support Ukraine as we learn more next week.

"Stop Project 2025" Briefing - Follow up links and YouTube recording

Hello, everyone!

 Thank you so much for your interest in yesterday’s “Stop Project 2025” Briefing with Congressmen Jared Huffman and Jamie Raskin, and Professor Joyce Vance.


  • "Take the “Stop Project 2025” Pledge! - Tell us you’re all in to fight back against Project 2025. Sign up here and we’ll keep you informed of strategic ways to take action to defeat MAGA’s Project 2025: Take the Pledge here.

  • Educate yourself further about Project 2025 and how to message about it to people in your network: STOP Project 2025 Toolkit

  • Watch and/or share the recording of the Stop Project 2025 Briefing:

  • Volunteer to do voter outreach work from now until November 5. For all of us, our Project 2024 is to make sure that Project 2025 never happens! Volunteers are needed to help Dems win the House, Senate and Presidency via phonebanking, canvassing, postcarding, texting and postcarding! Visit the groups below (both have volunteers throughout the US) to sign up and get involved: 

 Thank you for your efforts to protect our democracy, our freedoms and the American way of life.

 ~ Susan

 Susan Morgan 

Founder, Indivisible Marin

Campaign Director, Dems Make Life Better


Announcing New August Postcarding Campaigns!

Hello Writers,

Each month you all continue to break records! In July, we reached over 19,000 voters - the most ever!  This was nearly double what we wrote in June - amazing! 100,000 voters is within reach!  Let's keep it going and help Dems take control of the both the House and the Senate in November!

Excitement around our new nominee, VP Kamala Harris, has added to our volunteer energy and we are grateful for each of you!  This month, we are adding a new California House candidate and an additional weekly group postcarding event.  As we write to win, please sign up for addresses or packets and join the work to get back our trifecta!

Note that postcarding campaigns are turning over quickly due to demand. You can anticipate frequent changes in candidates as we partner with Activate America to target the most competitive House and Senate races which most need postcards sent to their voters. Please check our website regularly for updates to our campaigns!

Senate - Available for online requests only -  Currently, we are writing to support Montana incumbent Jon Tester and his work to bring high speed internet to his state through the Infrastructure Act. Democrats must win this state to keep control of the Senate.  Tester is asking for out-of-state support to boost his campaign. Volunteers can make a huge impact in this small population state!

House District CA-13 - Available for online requests only - We are continuing our focus on this Central Valley seat which Dems lost by just 564 votes in 2022. Our script supports our candidate Adam Gray with a message highlighting the Inflation Reduction Act and lowering the costs of prescription drugs and insulin. This area has one of the highest rates of diabetes in the nation. The road to the House runs right through the Central Valley.

House District CA-47 - Available for packet requests only - Although Katie Porter won this district narrowly in 2022, she opted to run for the Senate this year, creating an open seat. It is a top target for Republicans and rated a toss-up. We are excited for an opportunity to support the Democratic candidate, Dave Min. He out-raised his primary opponent this year, but as a new face, needs our help to reach voters. This is a seat we must hold to regain control of the House!

The mailing deadline for all campaigns is September 1st.


  • ALL LOCATIONS: Online requests for CA-13 and Montana campaigns

  • LOCAL to Marin County - Packet Pickup Program: CA-47 campaign only


    • Every Tuesday from 10-11:30 AM at Panera Bread in Novato

    • NEW - Every Wednesday from 5 - 6:30 PM at Outside Ounces in San Rafael

To participate in all of the above programs, please visit our website's "Write Voters" page at Please note that all packets in our local pickup program and group events are $5 each. Online writers provide their own supplies.

Thank you for working with us in 2024 to save democracy!

~ The IndiMarin Writing Team - Joy, Laurie, Annie, Dianne, Maryann and Cindy

Kickoff for NEW group postcarding on Wednesday evenings!

Hello fabulous IndiMarin Postcarders!

Our Panera postcard writing events have been so wildly popular, we are excited to announce a second weekly group writing event to keep up with demand and provide a new option for those that prefer evenings! Starting this coming Wednesday, July 31, we will be hosting a new event from 5 - 6:30 PM at Ounces Outdoors - an all welcoming, community-first, local-centric outdoor space at Northgate Shopping Center in San Rafael. It's even dog-friendly!

We are writing to support our candidates in competitive California congressional districts in advance of the 2024 general election. All materials are provided. Just bring yourself:) The cost is $5 per packet. Sign up here.

As an added bonus, 32 Ounces Outdoors hosts a Wednesday Trivia Night starting at 6:30 PM. Make a night of it and stay for some fun entertainment with your postcarding peeps!

Come join the fun while helping Dems win a trifecta! We hope to see you there!

The IndiMarin Writing Team - Joy, Laurie, Cindy, Annie, Maryann and Dianne

Stop Project 2025 Briefing with Congressman Huffman

 Dear amazing IndiMarin volunteers,

It has been a very uncertain and stressful month for all of us who care so deeply about our country and democracy. Today, we learned that President Biden has decided to pass the torch and there will be a new direction for the top-of-the-ticket. More details will emerge in coming days and weeks. IndiMarin will remain fully engaged in our ongoing work toward a trifecta for Democrats in November. Thank you for being a part of this crucial work.

One fact has remained constant throughout the uncertainty. The Republican-led Project 2025 is an existential threat to our democracy and our entire way of life as Americans. It must be stopped. Project 2025 is a far-right roadmap for Donald Trump and his MAGA allies to seize “supreme” powers and radically undermine reproductive rights, LGBTQ equality, racial justice, free speech, and other democratic institutions and freedoms.

Indivisible Marin and the Bay Area Coalition are honored to host a virtual briefing, Stop Project 2025, with our Congressman, Jared Huffman, on Wednesday, July 31, at 4pm PT/7pm ET. Sign up here.

Congressman Huffman will lead a far-ranging conversation regarding Project 2025 with special guests Congressman Jamie Raskin and Joyce Vance, distinguished professor of practice at the University of Alabama School of Law, senior fellow at the Brennan Center, NBC and MSNBC legal analyst, and author of the Substack newsletter, "Civil Discourse."

Congressmen Huffman and Raskin along with their colleagues are collaborating with civil society, grassroots advocates, and affected communities to join forces to examine, highlight, preempt, and counteract this rightwing plot to undermine democracy. All citizens can play a role in supporting this crucial work. Sign up for the briefing here.

At the briefing, Congressmen Huffman and Raskin and Professor Vance will discuss specific ways that all defenders of democracy can become allies of this mission. To submit a question in advance, please email

Thank you for your ongoing work to protect our democracy!

The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Susan, Betsy, Andie, Joy, Nanda, Betty and Laurie

Announcing New Ohio Postcarding for Sherrod Brown

Hello Writers,

Wow - you all wrote 3,000 postcards to Montana in just over a week!  Thanks to a huge response, our partner Activate America completed this first round of postcards to infrequent voters in Montana in record time. Our next Senate campaign is Ohio, where incumbent Sherrod Brown is fighting to keep his seat. The script is an economic message focusing on Brown's job creation record.

The Ohio campaign is available via online requests only. The deadline is August 15th.  

Our CA-13 campaign supporting Adam Gray is available both online and in packets and has a deadline of August 1st.

These are challenging times for Democrats but our writers tell us that action is the anecdote to anxiety. Our work to help Democrats control both the House and Senate in 2025 continues!  

Links to request addresses online or packets can be found on our webpage at Please note that packets in our local pick-up program are $5 each. Online writers provide their own supplies.

Thank you for working with us in 2024 to help save democracy!

~ The IndiMarin Writing Team - Joy, Laurie, Annie, Dianne, and Maryann

Great texting now available as part of Gavin Newsom's Campaign for Democracy!

Dear IndiMarin texters, 

If you’ve been on our Slack, you know that Team Gavin Newsom has been ramping up an AMAZING texting program, and the floodgates opened Tuesday morning! 

The texting program is part of his "Campaign for Democracy," an aggressive, coordinated and sustained state-by-state organizing effort through the 2024 election with the mission to confront and defeat unAmerican authoritarianism.

Campaign for Democracy is seeking new texters to elect Dems in battleground states and push messaging around two issues long important to Newsom personally: freedom from gun violence and reproductive choice. 

It's a very professional and well-funded campaign with excellent tools, terrific training and support, tight scripts, and LOTS of texting – literally millions of texts, with texting scheduled 5-6 days per week just this month! 

In lieu of Slack, TGN uses Discord as ts virtual community meeting space. Join the Team below to access self-serve onboarding and texting links. 

Join the Text Team:

Join Discord:

Volunteer form:

Other worthy orgs are texting now too – check out our Slack for more!

Thanks for all you do!

~ The IndiMarin Texting Team - Andie, Jane, Susan, and Julie

Announcing New July Postcarding Campaigns!

Hello Writers,

We did it again in June - writing over 10,000 postcards and surpassing last month's outstanding result by 200! Thank you all for your work!  

Postcarding is now entering the very crucial summer months supporting our House and Senate candidates and leading up to final GOTV campaigns this fall.

We are excited to be adding a new Senate campaign in Montana
supporting three-time incumbent, Jon Tester. Democrats must win this state to keep control of the Senate.  Tester is asking for out-of-state support to boost his campaign. Volunteers can make a huge impact in this small population state!

On the House side, we are continuing our work for Adam Gray in CA-13. Volunteerism in the six competitive CA House districts is booming so it is not a surprise that recent polling shows Democrats leading Republicans in those races. Let's keep it going in CA!

The mailing deadline for all campaigns is August 1st.


  • ALL LOCATIONS: Online requests for CA-13 and Montana campaigns

  • LOCAL to Marin County - Packet Pick up Program: CA-13 campaign only

  • IN PERSON EVENTS: Every Tuesday from 10-11:30 AM at Panera Bread in Novato

To participate in all above programs as well as our postcarding meetings, please visit our website writing page at Please note that all packets in our local pick-up program are $5 each. Online writers provide their own supplies.

Thank you for working with us in 2024 to save democracy!

~ The IndiMarin Writing Team - Joy, Laurie, Annie, Dianne, and Maryann

Announcing Our New Youth Program - Please Forward to Students You Know

Hello wonderful volunteers!

IndiMarin is proud to announce the kick off of our new Youth Volunteer Program, designed and developed by our fabulous high school intern and now Student Coordinator, Grey Ni! Please forward this email to any high school or college students you know and think may have interest!

YOUTH VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION - This Friday, July 12 from 5 - 6pm PT
Please invite students in your life to join us for our first youth volunteer orientation! Our Student Coordinator as well as IndiMarin program leads will provide an introduction to Indivisible Marin’s mission, programs, and supported candidates. SIGN UP HERE.
(Note to non-youth volunteers: We also offer a New Member Orientation for people of all ages. The next one is this Thursday, July 11, from 5:30 - 6:30pm PT. Sign up here.)

All students are invited to join the IndiMarin Youth Volunteer Team. Joining simply means that they will be kept updated of ongoing ways to be involved and help Dems win in November. SIGN UP HERE.


Youth engagement is crucial in this 2024 election cycle. Indivisible Marin is seeking high school and college volunteers to reach young voters and support issues like education funding, environmental conservation, affordable healthcare, reproductive rights, and LGBTQ rights.

With a wide range of programs, including texting, phonebanking, postcarding, and canvassing, Indivisible Marin offers a perfect opportunity for young citizens to engage in their communities, increase political literacy, and take control of their own futures. High school and college students are encouraged to join Indivisible Marin’s community of volunteers, and no experience is necessary. IndiMarin supports brand-new volunteers with 1:1 mentoring, group training, volunteer orientations, and program introductions. They can visit our website to learn more about ways to volunteer with us!

If students are interested in earning service hours, they should check with their school for service learning eligibility requirements. Note that IndiMarin is an unregistered, nonprofit, partisan organization. If volunteering with us qualifies, students can fill out their school’s service hour forms and send them to for approval and signatures.

Another benefit of volunteering with IndiMarin is that students are encouraged to include their experience with us on resumes and college applications
. Volunteering on political campaigns demonstrates an ability for collaboration that extends beyond peers and a sense of responsibility for contributing to American society on a larger scale. IndiMarin provides a platform for students to demonstrate these qualities to colleges, as well as valuable experience working in various campaigns across the country.

We are excited to be launching this new program to provide a way for more young people to become engaged in the crucial voter outreach work necessary for Dems to win in November. Thanks for helping us share this email far and wide!

~ The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Betty, Susan, Laurie, Joy, Andie, Nanda and Betsy.

Be proud and be seen!

Hello IndiMarin Volunteers,

Happy Fourth of July! This year, we celebrate with a range of emotions. The debate and its aftermath have been a setback for Democrats.

How can we help? We all need to step up. Visibility is the key to victory.

  • BUY AND WEAR A DEMS MAKE LIFE BETTER shirt proudly. Be seen.

  • WEAR it everywhere you go (Having a few on hand is helpful.)

  • FORWARD THIS email to your friends.

  • VOLUNTEER to contact voters. Visit the "Take Action" pages of the INDIVISIBLE MARIN WEBSITE and sign up to call, canvass, text or write voters!

MAGA expects the Democrats to fall apart after one setback. Instead, show them we are more united than ever.

The margin of victory on 11/5 will be razor-thin. Every vote counts. Every phone call counts. Every donation counts. Every postcard counts. Every day counts. If you already own a Dems Make Life Better Shirt. Thank you! NOW is the time to wear it. If you can, buy another for a friend (or for the next like-minded stranger who compliments you). Or weave it more frequently into your rotation.

What difference can a T-shirt make? When you wear a Dems Make Life Better shirt, whether to the grocery store, running errands, on a dog walk, or to the gym — you bring hope to everyone who agrees with you. And to anyone who disagrees, you bring an important message: Democrats stand together, our numbers are strong, and we do not back down.

When things are hard, we show up and do the work. We are proud to support reproductive rights. We proudly stand with the party that acknowledges climate science and the need to advance equality. Democrats proudly defend Democracy.

If Trump wins
, so many institutions will be vulnerable to collapse. So much funding will be shifted from where it is working for workers to where it works best for corporations, conservative forces, and mega-donors.

Buy a T-shirt. Be proud. Be seen.
The compliments you get will fill you with confidence and pride in our Party. Dems Make Life Better. Better in so many ways.

Let’s do this! Shop and share today.

Susan Morgan
Founder, IndiMarin
Campaign Director, Dems Make Life Better

Post-debate, action is the solution

Hello wonderful IndiMarin Volunteers,

Thursday's debate has set off a flurry of contrasting opinions within our Party about the top of the ticket. While the pundits, prognosticators and strategists continue to opine on various paths forward, one thing is clear - efforts to persuade and mobilize voters are more important than ever. 

For us at IndiMarin, this means we keep doing what we do best - TAKING ACTION. As grassroots volunteers, our job is clear. We keep working, without missing a beat, to help elect as many Democrats as possible to the House and the Senate. Putting one foot in front of the other, we stay true to our mission which is 100% crucial to saving our democracy.

As we often say here at IndiMarin, "The antidote to anxiety is action." The future of our country is not decided by televised debates. We decide it. Billy Wimsatt of Movement Voter Project expressed the moment well: “The election cannot be about Biden…it has to be ‘about us.’ This election is about the movement and the people, not the person. No one is going to save us from Trump except us.”

Since launching in 2017, IndiMarin has provided ways for our volunteers to channel energy into high-impact races and build Democratic power. For months, volunteers and supporters like you have been doing this work. Now, is the time for each of us to dig in further and individually commit to doing as much of the needed voter outreach work as you possibly can.

Here are strategic actions you can take right now to give our democracy a fighting chance:

  1. From anywhere: Zoom Phonebanks - Saturdays from 9:30 - 11:30am PT and Tuesdays from 4-6pm PT.  Call voters in CA-22 and Arizona to win back the House and retain the Senate. Links and details

  2. Canvass voters if you live near or in a competitive House or Senate race. Link and details

  3. Buy a “Dems Make Life Better” t-shirt to spread Dem messaging in your daily lives. Link and details

  4. Text voters for key Senate races - Texting opportunities are just now heating up. Be advised that texting opportunities can be somewhat unpredictable so flexibility is needed for this tactic. Link and details

  5. Write postcards to voters - Online requests and local writing events and packet pickup available. Links and details

  6. Donate strategically to help Dems take back the House.

  7. Feeling discouraged? Here are four tips to stay positive and motivated.

Please explore our calendar for a complete schedule of events! Feel free to email us at any time at if you have questions or need further information. 

Let's do what we do best: Take strategic action to help Dems win control of both chambers of Congress in 2025!

Webinar - How to Reach Gen Z Voters

Hello IndiMarin Volunteers!

The youth vote has been an important voting block for Biden and the Democrats. Recent polling indicates that 25% of the youth vote is up for grabs. Engaging with young swing voters will be essential in this election, but how do we do that?

On July 11 at 10am PT/1pm ET, Dems Make Life Better is co-sponsoring an informative webinar which will cover recent research conducted by MurMur and Lake Research Partners to answer these questions.

  • What issues matter most to swing Gen Z voters?

  • What kind of content best connects with them?

  • Who are the best messengers?

We hope you can join this informative discussion! SIGN UP HERE.

The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Susan, Betty, Andie, Joy, Nanda, Betsy, Laurie

IndiMarin Postcarding June News and Campaign Updates!

Hello Writers!

Did you know that summer is the most important time to postcard? Most postcarding shuts down when early voting starts in late September so we have only a few months left to reach our voters. And postcarding is the most effective when they get at least 2 cards. We have lots of work to do this summer!

A new research study was just released that shows a strong postcard campaign can increase turnout by 1.2%! IndiMarin’s focus is on those toss up races where the margin of victory is likely to be in that range. Our current campaigns are below:

Ohio (online and pick packets): Sherrod Brown is running for his 4th Senate term in a red state against an extremist who believes in an abortion ban without exceptions. The very successful reproductive freedom initiative last year and a new anti-gerrymandering initiative on the November ballot are energizing Democrats there. We are writing to encourage them to request their mail in ballot, a critical tool for our late GOTV work in this race.

Hear Senator Brown talk about this race here

Request packets to pick up (Marin only)

Request online addresses

CA 47 (online requests only): Katie Porter won this district by less than 3% in 2022 but with her failed Senate bid, this is now an open seat and one where Dems are vulnerable. It is the top House target for Republicans this year and one we have to hold to take back control. Our candidate is Dave Min, a state senator from the area and known for his strong positions on climate, reproductive rights, and banking/housing policy.  

Hear Dave’s first ad

Request addresses online to support Dave’s campaign.

CA 13 (online requests only): In 2022, Adam Gray lost by less than 1% - just 564 votes. A rematch with incumbent John Duarte will be equally close and makes this seat the top House target for Dems this year. Adam was born and raised in this Central Valley district and represented the area in the state Assembly for 10 years. Committed to rural/agricultural issues, health care, and education, he is also known for his ability to work across the aisle.

Hear Adam talk to our volunteers about this race

Request online addresses to support Adam’s campaign

Save the dates!

In Person Postcarding:

Action Sundays 3-5 PM: June 23, July 7, July 21: Join us to write postcards in San Rafael. RSVP here

Tuesday mornings 10-11:30 AM: Join us every Tuesday morning at Panera Bread in Novato for conversation and to write cards together. RSVP here

Zoom Events

Postcarding with IndiMarin Monday, July 8 5:30-6:30 PM PT: Join us virtually and hear updates on postcarding and our upcoming campaigns! RSVP here

You all sent over 10,000 postcards in May. Please join our efforts this month to write even more in our quest to write 100,000 in 2024 and win back our trifecta!

The IndiMarin Postcarding Team: Joy, Laurie, Dianne, Annie, and Maryann

It's Democracy Summer!! Are you in?

Dear wonderful IndiMarin Volunteers,

Did you know that summer is actually as important as fall for voter outreach work, like phone calls, door knocks, texts and postcards to voters? Many people don’t realize that is the case. They incorrectly presume that fall is the time to roll up their sleeves and get involved to help Dems win in November.

The reason summer is so important is that research shows that “low turnout” voters, those that do not reliably cast a ballot each election, need multiple “touches” to become sufficiently motivated to vote in November. For example, in the two crucial House districts located in California’s Central Valley, CA-13 and CA-22, the campaigns for the candidates there have set a goal of knocking on the doors of three times between now and November. And there is a LOT of territory to cover. The same is true of all the various tactics we use. So if we wait until the fall to even get started, we will be too late.

In 2020, Dems lost those two House districts, which have a large percentage of low turnout votes by razor thin margins. We can ill-afford to make that mistake in 2024. We’ve seen what happens in Congress when the MAGA GOP extremists are in control.


Interactive conversations are more impactful than one-way conversations and phonebanking can be efficiently done from the comfort of your own home. There are many misconceptions about the experience and effectiveness of phonebanking. The reality is that it is HIGHLY EFFECTIVE and the EXPERIENCE IS VERY GRATIFYING. Don't take our word for it...Listen to IndiMarin Phonebank Volunteers describe their experience and their successes in this 4 minute video.

Please attend a phonebank to test it out. You can just shadow a mentor at first if you prefer. Click here to sign up for our weekly Saturday phonebanks from 9:30 - 11: 30am PT or our weekly Tuesday phonebanks from 4 - 6 pm PT and help take back the House by electing Rudy Salas and the Senate by electing Ruben Gallegos!


  • If you live in the SF Bay Area, please visit our Canvassing Webpage and sign up for some upcoming dates to knock on doors and talk to voters in CA-13 and CA-22. Volunteers are especially needed in CA-22, so consider joining us for one of our multi-day Road Trips. It's a lot of fun and the voters are very friendly!

  • If you live elsewhere in the country and in or near a flippable district or state, please write us at and we will help you connect with local canvassing in your area!


Texting has been slow to get rolling this election cycle, but some exciting new texting programs will be picking up speed very soon. If you are interested receiving updates on texting, sign up here.

All active postcarders will receive an important update tomorrow AM. Please be on the lookout for it in your inbox!

Please donate via one of two IndiMarin ActBlue links to support the crucial summer work of voter outreach organizations and/or candidates in toss-up districts.


  • Winning campaigns are dependent on partners to reach voters. This fundraiser supports the three major organizations that we use for our postcarding (Activate America), phonebanking (California Democratic Party, and canvassing (Bay Area Coalition). This last group provides stipends for canvassers, which increases conversations with voters in the hard-to-reach Central Valley districts. IndiMarin has been working with these groups for several years and are confident every dollar will be used effectively. Your donation below would be evenly split between them. DONATE TO SUPPORT PARTNERS


  • Candidate campaigns are a major source of funding in winning races. They get optimal rates and times for advertising and media buys that outside organizations cannot receive. More staff and more field offices mean more voters are contacted. This fundraiser supports candidates in Senate and CA House races that are rated a “toss up,” and are thereby the most competitive races in the country. We use professional ratings groups to identify these races. Our candidates also have less cash on hand than their opponents. We use quarterly Federal Election Commission candidate financial filings to determine comparative need. DONATE TO SUPPORT CANDIDATES.

It's all hand on deck time, everyone! Hope you are will participate in this crucial Democracy Summer with as much time, energy, and funds you can muster!

The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Nanda, Joy, Andie, Betsy, Laurie, Betty and Susan

Announcing New June Postcarding Campaigns!

Hello Writers,

What a record breaking month for our postcarding team - 10,200 voters reached!  That is highest number ever for our program this early in the cycle. Thank you everyone!  Let's keep it going on our quest for 100,000 in 2024!

June is often seen as the official start to general election campaigning. We are excited to be expanding our work and adding a 2nd CA congressional district. Each month, we consult with our partner Activate America to identify battleground House and Senate races that have the largest need for writers This month, both CA-13 and CA-47 are in need of writers!  

For June, we are continuing the campaign for Ohio to encourage voters to request a mail-in ballot for the November election. Postcarding has been found to be an effective tool to increase such requests. Ohio's Senate race to re-elect Democratic incumbent Sherrod Brown is rated a toss-up. We are waiting for results of the June primaries in Nevada and Montana to expand our Senate work.

On the House side, we are continuing our work for Adam Gray in CA 13. CA 47 is Katie Porter's district and we are now supporting the new Democratic candidate, Dave Min.  

The mailing deadline for all campaigns is July 1st.

NEW EVENT: Local writers are invited to join us on alternate Sunday afternoons from 3-5 pm at our Action Days! Come enjoy the beautiful summer afternoons and write postcards as our members gather for a multi-action event. We will be phoning and texting voters, as well as writing postcards. Enjoy refreshments and conversation while writing to voters and  learn a bit about different voter outreach options! All supplies will be provided; packets of 10 addresses and postcards are $5 each. RSVP here.


•• CA-13 - ADAM GRAY and CA 47 DAVE MIN: We are writing to registered Democrats under the age of 46 who are infrequent voters or are newly registered. Choose either candidate with a message about their candidacy and support for Social Security and lowering prescription drug costs. The mailing deadline for this campaign is 7/1.

OHIO - SHERROD BROWN: We are writing to registered Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents who are infrequent voters to promote voting by mail. These voters may not realize they need to sign up to vote by mail for every election. Voting by mail encourages early turnout and makes voter outreach more efficient in the final weeks before election day. Postcarding has been found to be an effective tool to increase the number of people voting by mail. The mailing deadline for this campaign is 7/1.


  • ALL LOCATIONS: Online requests for CA-13, Ohio, and Nevada campaigns

  • LOCAL - IN PERSON - Ohio Campaign Packets

    • Every Tuesday from 10 - 11:30 AM in Novato at Panera Bread. RSVP here.

    • Action Days: Every other Sunday from 3-5 pm in San Rafael. RSVP here.

  • LOCAL to Marin County - PACKET PICK UP PROGRAM: Ohio Campaign Only

To order online addresses or packets to pick up, please visit our website writing page at Please note that all packets are $5 each. Online writers provide their own supplies.

ALL LOCATIONS - SPECIAL ZOOM POSTCARDING EVENT: All writers, brand new and experienced, are invited to our monthly Postcarding with IndiMarin call on Monday, June 10th at 5:30 pm. We will update writers on our current campaigns and plans for the rest of the year. There will be an optional session at the end of the hour for people who are new to us and want to learn how to get started. RSVP

Thank you for working with us in 2024 to save democracy!

~ The IndiMarin Writing Team - Joy, Laurie, Annie, Dianne, and Maryann

Announcing new phonebanking options - Ruben Gallego calls start Saturday!

Hello IndiMarin Phonebankers!

Do you remember how you felt in 2016 as the election results rolled in, and it became clear that Donald Trump would be our next president? Many people talk about their regret for not having done more to prevent it. Let’s not go down that road again!

Join Indivisible Marin’s Phone Team every Saturday from 9:30 to 11:30am PT/12:30 to 2:30 ET, as we make calls to preserve our democracy by taking back the House, holding the Senate, and re-electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

We have some exciting updates to announce!

  • First, and importantly, we will continue to make calls for Rudy Salas in CA-22 every Saturday since it is a crucial district in the national goal to take back the House

  • We have just added the option to call for Ruben Gallego in his Arizona Senate race.

  • Early this summer, we’ll also begin calling for Biden-Harris. Indivisible Marin has the honor of being one of the Democratic National Committee’s hubs for the Biden/Harris campaign.

With these additions, you’ll have the option each week of calling for the House, the Senate, or the Presidency from now through Election Day.

If you’d like a refresher before diving back into phonebanking, please join us for our Introduction to Phonebanking on June 17th from 4 to 5pm PDT. We’ll provide an overview of the campaigns and describe what takes place at a phonebank. Join us - and bring a friend!


It’s all about voter turnout. If we turn out our voters, we’ll win. Please join us to make calls, turn out our voters, and preserve our democracy in 2024!

The IndiMarin Phone Team