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Open-Source Paper Ballot Voting Campaign Kickoff in San Francisco

  • The Women’s Building Auditorium 3543 18th Street #8 San Francisco, CA 94110 USA (map)

Ever since the presidential election controversies in Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004, real concerns have been raised about the non-transparency and hackability of proprietary corporate voting systems.  That's why we need publicly owned Open-Source Paper Ballot Voting Systems which will save the state and counties millions while making elections more secure and transparent.

Come hear about and help plan the campaign to make California lead the nation to safer elections by developing Open-Source Paper Ballot Voting Systems!

Inspiring speakers include Assemblymember David Chiu and Senator Scott Wiener, Authors of the Open-Source Paper Ballot State Matching Funds Proposal ~ Assembly Speaker pro Tem Kevin Mullin, Author of the California DISCLOSE Act ~ London Breed, President of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors ~ Malia Cohen, Chair of the San Francisco Supervisors Budget Committee ~ Mark Leno, Former Senator and author of the 2013-2014 California DISCLOSE Act ~ Jeff Sheehy, San Francisco Board of Supervisors ~ Christine Pelosi, Chair of Women’s Caucus of CA Democratic Party ~ Brigette Hunley, Chair of Computer and Internet Caucus of CA Democratic Party ~ Chris Jerdonek, San Francisco Elections Commission ~ and other invited leaders.

Also hear from Trent Lange, President of the California Clean Money Campaign, which is leading the effort.  Dr. Lange will talk about the details and the grassroots campaign, plus answer all your questions.