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Marin's "Families Belong Together" Vigil

Please RSVP to attend the vigil. Tickets are free but we need to have an accurate headcount.

In protest of the Trump Administration's cruel and inhumane policy of separating children from their parents at the border, the Marin community will gather for a vigil on World Refugee Day. Please join us as we come together in protest and song. We will hear from public officials, community leaders, and affected residents, and learn about opportunities for action. We will send you an email with the exact location as soon as possible.

Please bring signs as desired. Flameless candles will be provided to all participants.

We are coming together to demonstrate our opposition to this horrific new policy. Bring your families and tell your friends. Together we can bring an end to this practice that violates American values. 

The vigil has been organized by local groups concerned about the administration’s immigration policies, including Indivisible Marin, Indivisible Sausalito, Marin County People Power, Novato Stands United, REsisters and SURJ Marin. Activist and faith-based groups across Marin have joined in support of this effort.

For more information, please contact