The RSVP response to our July Membership meeting invitation was tremendous and in response, we have changed both the venue and the format. The new location is the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Marin at 240 Channing Way in San Rafael. We will be meeting in the Fireside Room. Upon arrival, head across the outdoor patio area to the right of the church, and you will see the entrance.
At the meeting, we will provide you with an overview of our strategy to ensure that every hour spent by each of our volunteers will be as impactful as possible toward our collective goal of winning back Congress on November 6th. We will also have an introduction to textbanking and write postcards to voters.
There will be an optional orientation for new members at 6:30 PM to cover some background on our history, structure and operating philosophy, as well as that of Indivisible National.
There is no need to bring your tickets. They are just a quirk of the EventBrite platform that can’t be disabled.
Thank you for stepping up and engaging in this fight. Together we will take back Congress - once phone call, once text message, one postcard and one voter at a time.
Should you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to contact us at
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday.