Assembly District Delegates represent their district in the California Democratic Party. The Democrats United slate includes 12 candidates in District 10 (Marc Levine’s District).
Voting can only be done in person and all registered voters from District 10 can vote.
Please vote this Saturday to improve the CA Democratic Party - Congressman Huffman endorsed the Democrats United slate in the election to be held this Saturday for Assembly District Delegates. Our founder and director, Susan Morgan, and our policy team leader for Voting Rights, Gareth Loy, are both candidates on this slate. Congressman Huffman stated, "I’m pleased to see so many good candidates running for delegate – people who understand what’s at stake and want to take our party forward. With that in mind, I am endorsing all 12 members of the “Democrats United” -- Mona Alves, Eli Beckman, Susan Bolle, David Catalinotto, Logan Harvey, Rachel Hundley, Gareth Loy, Christopher Lydon, Susan Morgan, Max Perrey, Logan Pitts and Sylvia Russell. These are hard working, progressive, rock-solid Democrats with diverse backgrounds. Some supported Bernie, some supported Hillary, but all are united in wanting a strong, functional Democratic Party."
Assembly Delegates influence the direction of the California Democratic Party - including its endorsements for candidates and platform - both of which are increasingly important as we head into 2020. If you can spare 2 hours on Saturday to vote, please make the time as the race is quite competitive! We are coordinating carpools to the polling place in Santa Rosa departing at 10 AM and returning by noon. To RSVP and for all details, please click here: Thanks for your support!