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Virtual Membership Meeting - Relational Organizing

This first virtual membership meeting will cover the same agenda as our March membership meeting on 3/8 and is intended for members who missed it. It's an important topic - Relational Organizing, or, in other words, friend-to-friend outreach.

We will also announce a new initiative from IndiMarin called Indivisible Anywhere. Our friends and family, and their friends and family, could be vital participants in out shared goal of winning back democracy. Especially those who live red states. Through Indivisible Anywhere you can help people in your personal network get engaged in the effort to elect Democrats up and down the ballot in 2020.

In addition, Jarrod Russell, cofounder of VotePlus10, will speak to us about his exciting new platform which has the same goal of of relational organizing but relies more on virtual outreach.

Relational outreach is the most effective voter outreach tactic of all and these two new programs will enable you to maximize the power of your personal networks.