In the vein of learning, Manny’s in SF has announced a series of short 30 minute fire talks around The Insurrection on Monday and Tuesday before the inauguration.
What does the insurrection incited by Trump mean? Is it a one-time thing? Can it happen again? What does it mean to our democracy and the long term growth of our nation? How do we ensure that we address the issues that caused the riot in the first place? Why did they do it? How does it change our image abroad.
More about Dan Pfeiffer:
Dan served as Senior Advisor to President Barack Obama, focusing on communications, political, and digital strategy. One of the President’s longest serving advisers, Dan joined the Obama campaign at the outset, serving first as traveling press secretary and then eventually becoming the campaign’s communications director. He entered the White House as Deputy Communications Director and, by the end of 2009, had risen to Communications Director.
He held that post until his appointment as Senior Advisor in early 2013. During his time at the White House, Dan has helped transition the communications apparatus into the digital age utilizing social media like Twitter, Facebook, Medium and Instagram, as well as scheduling the first presidential interviews with digital media platforms like Buzzfeed and Vox. In 2015, Dan joined CNN as a political commentator.
He is now one of the co-hosts of the breakthrough podcast Pod Save America and is a New York Times Bestselling Author