With the help of our Bay Area Coalition partners and CADEM, we are heading to the Central Valley town of Corcoran to flip one of the nation’s most critical districts from red to blue! Join us to walk, knock and talk to Democratic-leaning voters and remind them why it’s important to support their party in 2024. $100 stipends a day to offset the cost of gas and lodging are available.
Canvass shifts start on Friday afternoon and end on Sunday morning. But it's ok if you can't make all three!
We'll make it fun! You'll be paired with a buddy (or BYOB:) and there will be community dinners each night! And no experience is necessary. You will be trained and given all the supplies you need.
Once you've signed up, a Bay Area Coalition volunteer will contact you and help with carpools and/or housing options. There are also stipends, of $100 a day, as needed, to offset the cost of gas and lodging.