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In-person Town Hall with Congressman Huffman

"Rep. Huffman will provide an update from Washington D.C., share plans as Ranking Member of the House Committee on Natural Resources, discuss the new Trump Administration, and take questions from participants. Guests can also listen to the town hall on Penguin Radio (details below).

When: Tuesday, January 28th

Time: 4:30 pm (PDT) - 5:30 pm (PDT)


  • In-Person with RSVP: Angelico Hall, Dominican University, 50 Acacia Ave, San Rafael, CA 94901. RSVP here. Priority will be given to constituents of California’s Second District on a first-come, first-served basis. Parking: Conlan Center lot at 1475 Grand Avenue (see map below).

  • Virtual (no RSVP required): Penguin Radio (listen at 102.3 FM or online).

*Note: Rep. Huffman is holding a series of town halls throughout the district throughout the year.

If you would like to attend in-person, RSVP by Friday, January 24th at 5 PM. Please click here to RSVP. Guests will be admitted on a first-come, first-served basis. An RSVP does not guarantee admittance. Large bags or backpacks and signs will not be permitted in the venue. Please contact if you need translation assistance.