Georgia On Our Minds


 Democrats are united in the goal of helping elect Jon Ossoff and Reverend Raphael Warnock to the Senate in runoff elections in Georgia on January 5th. If we win both seats, we will take back majority control, send Malevolent Mitch to the back of the bus, and enable the Biden Administration to advance a progressive policy agenda. It won't be easy, but we can do it, IF we all pitch in with as much time and money as we are able to contribute.

 IndiMarin is now offering five ways for you to support these two excellent candidates:

1) phonebanking, 2) letter writing, 3) postcarding, 4) donating, and 5) friendbanking. Please scroll down for further details on the options of most interest to you!

Phonebanking - IndiMarin phonebanks are starting up again this Sunday at 12 PM and will continue every Sunday at noon and Wednesdays at 3 PM up through January 5th. We're calling Dems to help them make their plan to vote. It's easy and rewarding! Our wonderful Phone Team Mentors will be onhand to work with newbies in small groups. You'll have a chance to observe some phone calls and jump in yourself when you feel ready.

Sign up for any date, or multiple dates here. If you would like to participate at other times, please join the phonebanks hosted by the campaigns. Click here for details. Time is of the essence. EARLY VOTING BEGINS ON DECEMBER 14!

Letter writing - Once again, we are partnering with Vote Forward's successful letter writing program which helped send more than 15 million letters to voters in swing states during the general election. Help encourage voters from historically underrepresented communities in Georgia to request their absentee ballots for the Senate runoffs. There are 500,000 addresses waiting to be "adopted" but they are going fast. Sign up here soon if you'd like to help!

Postcarding - Our post carders have already written over 60,000 postcards in 2020! But we're not gonna slow down until we help take back the Senate!  Writers provide their own materials and we provide the addresses and scripts. Sign up here to join the IndiMarin Postcard Team.

Donating - A key way to help is with our dollars! Republicans are pouring dark money into the state in a frantic effort to retain power. We, the people, must provide our candidates with enough “clean money” from small donors to win. Click here for our recommended options for donations.

Friendbanking: Please consider reaching out to people in your personal network via phone, text or email, and encourage them to make a donation of any amount. A personal message about the importance of these elections and what's at stake for our country is often successful. People usually appreciate authentic outreach from a friend, especially if they don't follow politics super closely, or are simply preoccupied with busy lives. Or get creative! Maybe host a Zoom Happy Hour as a fundraiser and ask everyone to kick in $25? Other ideas? Please send them our way at so that we can share them out to everyone!

As always, thank you for your commitment to citizen action! Let's work like crazy AND open our wallets to win back the Senate! It's that important.
