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Phonebanking 101

This training session is designed for people who have never phonebanked before. Now is a great time to learn.

We are fortunate to be partnering with Democracy Action Marin on our virtual phonebanking program. Susan Bolle, the leader at DemAction, is an extremely experienced trainer in this tactic.

Virtual phone banks via the Zoom platform will give our community of volunteers the benefits of working together as a group: the high standards we have of training & coaching—along with the commitment, connection and energy.

Phone banking and text banking are the most well-researched and effective 2-way voter communication tools. According to Susan, "we’ve talked with significantly more people than usual in the phone banks we’ve held recently. People are home, they’re feeling isolated and they want to connect. Some of our recent conversations have been very moving."

We’ll be calling for two campaigns: Christy Smith who is running to replace Representative Katie Hill in a Special Election in CD-25, and Mark Kelly who is running for Senate in AZ.